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Excellently animated, goddamn hilarious and timely as hell.

You couldn't ask for a better debut in animation than this, and with the musical talent you've developed for over a decade, I just know you're capable of some truly brilliant work.

AvizuraNG responds:

Oh my god you're making me blush dude XD

Thank you so much!!!!!

This isn't an animation, this is a watchable nightmare.

The woman's voice feels like you're driving a power drill into my ears. The visuals feel like you're driving a power drill through my eyes.

RBako responds:

Thanks :) I love drilling.

Its not just New Vegas where dumping Luck gets you fucked.

Solidly animated YCH - I bet your client was left shivering with anticipation to see it finished.

CokeThePrincess responds:

Commissioner was really nice and they liked the result a lot.

I don't have any kids, but I don't see why I'd object to letting kids watch this - it absolutely feels like a Saturday morning cartoon.

Rovertarthead responds:

Really? Aw thank you! I’m really glad to hear that, thanks for the Feedback!

The oddly smooth animation and bold colours really ramp up the surreal tone you were going for.

StephenHutchins responds:

I appreciate it!

Beautifully animated all around. I lack the words to describe how damn good this is.

mansa1212 responds:

Thank you so much ^^

*Not to be confused with Psyduck

Nicely done duck. Face seems a bit odd when rotating, but that's my only complaint.

tristitox responds:

You're right!! I struggled with the face since it's a path animation, thank you 4 ur feedback <3

Congrats to Jessica on her self-discovery, and congrats to you for making something so cute.

Eddwardbythepurgator responds:

Hey! Thank you so much :)

I unfortunately don't speak a word of Spanish, so I didn't understand the guy or Jesus.

I did appreciate the weird-as-hell animation, though. Looks like an early CGI demonstration to me.

Wanesu responds:

Thanks!! I have tried to maintain aesthetic coherence with the style and the old television.

The guy is Jesús Quintero he says something like he knows what it's like to feel lonely in a city of millions of inhabitans.

Welcome back, Charles. Always nice to see returning faces.

Charlesthetelephone responds:

Glad to be back :)

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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