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...you sure that's regular grass you're dealing with?

Short, but surreal, and unsettling. Feels like I'm looking through the eyes of madness.

exobnkr responds:

thanks. World is weird. :-)

The warlock not understanding teabagging was pretty funny.
The warlock going on to teabag someone IRL was fucked up (if still darkly funny).

The smash cut from RagingGooner2006 getting warlock balls in his face to the warlock in the cop car made it absolutely goddamn hilarious.

Cooped-My-Pants responds:

I’m really glad you got a laugh out of it :)

A hype-as-hell music video which oozes creativity from beginning to end. You absolutely killed it with this.

I absolutely adored how you used basically everything as a weapon in one way or another.

Steleaf responds:

thank you :D!!!!

God damn, that's a terrifying visage. Feels like I'm looking at a monster who's about to eat me.

The unnatural, jerky mask movement really ramps up the fear-factor, too.

AtakOmedive responds:

then the message was passed on zankyu 🫡

> (definitely not rhythm game related)
...yeah, I'm pretty sure some lucky FNF fan-mod's getting to make use of this banger.

Sick-as-hell visualizer - really captures the audiovisual vibe you were going for.

TheNikwell responds:

I don't work on any fan mods. ^^

Okay, that's a cool as hell Cyndaquil model. I especially like how you modelled the flames shooting out its back!

Sneeter responds:

Thanks so much! :D

My man's got good taste in music.

Anim was alright all around - animation was pretty limited and visuals were basic, but I still enjoyed it


I'm glad you enjoy it! I'll try to make animations with more frames! thanks for watching!

I got secondhand motivation watching this.
You did a damn good job capturing how it feels getting complimented by someone you look up to.

cubedzero responds:

THANK U!!!!!

God damn, I didn't expect a skeleton to get verbally ground into dust today.

Cockadoodledee responds:

their time had finally come

Your brother-in-law had a pretty killer idea, and you absolutely killed it with the execution.

I especially loved the creative kills you cooked up - I'd love to see a full-fledged movie made out of this!

JojoBeanus responds:

haha, he's a really cool dude! absolutely! and thank you so much, we'd love to turn it into a feature film, most definitely! I'm gonna tell him what you said, he'd be happy to hear it!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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