View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Pretty short and the animation's rather crude, but I can always appreciate a good shitpost.

Keep it up, I know you'll improve.

Yuhiscool42 responds:

Thanks man

The quite literal stuff of nightmares, pulled from the deepest depths of the uncanny valley.

The dead-eyed expression, the unnatural pale skin, the fucking gums(?) - all of it combines to make something truly demonic.

Rattzbine responds:

Thanks! :) I worked really hard on this and I think I caught his uncanny likeness quite well!

A solidly animated segment, with an excellent punchline.

KarmasAnimated responds:

Thank you!!

You picked a pretty good debut anim for here.

Welcome to Newgrounds, I can tell you're gonna fit right in!

RafarlGu3rra responds:

Thanks man, I needed that

Nicely done on the pixel art - you captured the '90s PC RPG look pretty damn well.

RileyWiggleWood responds:

Thanks! I'm happy to hear it

Watching this reminds me of all the Lego animation I watched back as a kid.

I felt this was an excellent throwback to those times.

GoodSirFry responds:

I still use the same equipment I used in 2007 so it is for sure made as throwback. I watched Blunty3000 back in the day.

Bro is indeed vibing.

Quite like how you did the cherry blossom petals.

acidbearxart responds:

Thanks a lot!!!

This was fucking stomach-churning, yet I couldn't look away. The ARG elements have me deeplly hooked.

(As of this writing, I'm stuck on the SSTV parts - I'm struggling to find a SSTV decoder online)

LastSonar responds:

I can recommend MMSSTV from hamsoft, it's free as much as i know

Its pretty crudely animated, but I can tell you put a lotta heart into this.

Main issue I recognised was with the audio levels - you had "Frost Moon" playing a bit quieter than the other tracks.

WetMudk1p responds:

Thanks for the Review! I made that almost 2 years ago now so expect improvements in audio and animation!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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