ah, yes, the perfect human form
Your OC makes a cute plushie - would cuddle
ah, yes, the perfect human form
Your OC makes a cute plushie - would cuddle
Ty ty
Okay, lemme seewhat guns they're whipping out. Frontmost gun's a complete mystery to me, next gun to the left was probably based on an AR-15, going by the buttstock, next gun after that's definitely a Deagle (that silhouette's pretty damn distinctive) and hold the fucking phone is that fox carrying an RPG?
Guy's probably off to an outdoor range, then - no way in hell anyone with sense would fire that indoors.
A cute and cuddly catgirl - love her glasses and choker.
Weather looks distinctly British outside (i.e. anything but alright)
The silly little Mimi, what mischief shall it unleash
I'd happily stick this poster up on my wall or at a theatre - its simple, straightforward, gets the point across and is cute as hell, that's my thoughts.
Oozes '50s sci-fi charm, too, and suggests this small fry's no harm.
The border feels like its closing in on the poor guy. I can see a sign on the top-right, but I can't work out what it says - like its being actively hidden from me.
Guy's eyes look fearful, too. He's alone with stray thoughts - and not the good ones.
In a desolate field, Finn stands utterly alone.
I can feel this piece's loneliness in my soul.
holy shit john "homestuck" egbert (egbert is his last name IIRC)
Looks pretty happy to be here - comfy-looking Air-themed robes and all. (Not sure of his title, but I'm pretty sure his element was air)
Clouds are nice, but the distinct purple of the planet/moon Derse stands out. (I'm pretty sure that's Derse - not sure what the chessboard planet John's on is called)
You can tell from the visuals Astroknight's putting his entire goddamn body into that punch.
You can also tell he's looking Boyfriend dead in the fucking eyes whilst preparing to send him to the stars - no visible face in the visor necessary.
'Least he's getting to see a nice flowing scarf before getting his jaw turned into dust.
...well, that's a pretty interesting inversion of the standard Pico formula. Uzico looks just as confused as I am looking at this.
Let's see...I can see the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda, Peach's crown, and Ruby Rose's symbol/crest. The crescent moon's making me think of Sailor Moon, but that's a complete guess. The other three I have zero clue on.
Does seem there's a general theme of power/purity going through it (rather fitting for KH :P) - Ruby Rose is a straight-up hero with some serious silver-eyed powers, the Triforce gives omnipotence to anyone whose heart is sufficiently pure and balanced (everyone else needs to find two random destiny-touched individuals to get their wishes granted), and Peach is a cinnamon roll who's occasionally shown some impressive powers (mainly in the spinoff games).
Love the divine gold-and-white colour scheme for this - fitting for the Light part of this equation.
Thanks! Yeah, each of the circles is meant to relate to a "Princess of Heart" in my work, Peach, Zelda, and Ruby being among them.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23