View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

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A pretty solid, if basic, platformer. Visuals are pretty spartan, but they have a certain charm to them.

Having to refresh the page to restart is pretty annoying, though.

There's definitely not much to this title - just a simple "click to make number go up" type of game, and some attendant medals.

I do find the shitpost-y aura it has rather endearing, though - seeing the "Muted!" medal's description definitely cracked me up.

The pixel art is alright as well - that burger looks pretty tasty.

(For anyone struggling with the secret medal, refresh the page and go idle for 20 seconds - it should pop afterwards.)

Well, there's not much here to praise/critique - just an image of Peppa to click, and a "Click Here!" box that awards the game's sole secret medal...and that's about it.

Thanks for the medals, I guess?

ElRandomGMD responds:

Sorry if you disliked It, if you want, you can play another game better than this:

Getting all the medals in this was far too easy, given right-clicking allows you to pass through walls.

Its a common trick when it comes to flash games AFAIK.

Not much to praise/critique here, being a simple survey of the userbase's favourite character.

As for myself, I ended up going with the crowd and picking Dad.

Visuals are okay, if generic as hell, but the gameplay is painfully boring - this got old within minutes.

The music's OK, but that's the only major positive I can give.

I thought the physics-based gimmickry of the original Meme-Mory was bad enough.
The addition of springs, zero-grav, warps and other such bullshit makes it so much worse.

Visuals are, naturally, an eyesore - nothing good can come from "meme graveyard plus generic clipart", after all.

A generic match puzzle whose physics-based gimmick does little more than add frustration to the experience.

The generic, dead-meme ridden visuals are an eyesore as well, to add insult to injury.

An okay little timewaster, albeit one which was over far too quickly and lacked a sense of style.

Can't complain about the medals, though.

A good, quick little timewaster, if one whose name doesn't make much sense. Best played with an autoclicker.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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