View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

105 w/ Responses

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A beautiful collab and a beautiful showcase of so many stylish artists.

A well-made dunk on the entire concept of NFTs, and a pretty good birthday gift for Levi as well!

A fun, if shallow, little timewaster, with an adorable pixel artstyle and plenty of medals for the statwhores out there.

Did experience pretty hefty slowdown during longer play sessions - given I've got a mid-range laptop, it seems this game can be a resource hog.

A bit short for my liking, but the twist was pretty well foreshadowed.

A good and fun little timewaster, if rather samey. Pretty damn solid visuals, though - kinda reminds me of Metal Slug.

You ever wonder how everyone working at Miniclip felt when this became the last surviving Flash made before 9/11 happened?

I do. Funny how a silly little Bush-related sub felt so awkward because of it.

A short, but fun as hell take on the classic Breakout formula that oozes with personality.

An okay enough puzzle platformer with a pretty cute artstyle.

The controls felt a bit cramped on my keyboard - allowing the player to edit the controls would have easily fixed that.

I did also have some stutters whilst playing, though they only happened the first time I started a level.

RunicPixels responds:

Thanks for feedback BlueMonday. :) It was a Ludum Dare entry made in 72 hours, we're currently looking into how far we want to take this in terms of post-jam updates. We will look into your feedback. I have conveyed your keybinding feedback to our team and we'll see if this is something for a hotfix or a bigger update.

Update: After discussing with the team, we hope to roll-out a key-binding update next week. :)

Simple, brutally hard and addictive as hell, this holds up beautifully even over a decade on.

If you're looking for some free medals, I've left a level code in this review - just copy-paste it in for "Long..." "...and Hard" and "I Wanna Be The Bill":
FREE MEDALS: 1/0b81b83b85b86b87b82b84b88b89b8//2b86b84b85b83b80b81b87b89b88b8//3b82b81b80b84b86b89b88b87b85b8//9b88b87b85b86b84b82b83b81b80b8//9b81b88b86b87b84b85b83b82b80b8//9b88b86b87b84b83b85b82b80b81b8//9b87b83b81b82b80b84b85b86b88b8//9b88b87b86b85b84b83b81b82b80b8//9b88b86b87b85b84b83b80b82b81b8//9b88b87b85b86b84b83b81b82b80b8//9b88b87b86b84b85b83b81b82b80b8//9b88b87b86b85b84b83b81b82b80b8//9b48b46b47b45b44b43b42b41b40b4////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////0[/9]/0[

I thought for a second this might have been a genuine game.
I was wrong.

Lare responds:

It's not my fault that you're not hardcore enough to beat the game.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

Joined on 1/1/23

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