View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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Another solid title - quite like the throwbacks to the previous three games.

I can definitely see why this got called the Ultimate Adventure - this one's bloody hard!

Another okay adventure title - navigation was slightly better, but the Mad World cover wasn't particularly fitting IMO.

This one was definitely hard as hell - I ended up decompiling the game in JPEXS to work out where I needed to go.

Might've also ended up sequence breaking a bit - I never got the blue key or the scroll.

Another alright adventure title, with somewhat tougher puzzles. Definitely had me racking my brain a bit more.

An alright adventure game - got stuck a fair few times, but that was mainly just simple stupidity on my part.

Quite liked the use of photos - makes me wonder what place they're from.

A well-crafted and hilarious parody of achievement systems, DLC and everything in between.

A major step up from the original Blam This Game, with two unique routes and a fair bit more content.

St4rryQueen responds:

This reply totally isn't a hint at a potential third game...

This was pretty barebones all-around and it does seem somewhat buggy, but this still had a fair bit of entertainment value.

Getting all five medals was pretty easy - the only one I was stumped on was the Blocked Ending, but that was due to me not thinking to click the pop-up you get after the system attempts to hack you.

(I ended up working that out by finding your game on Scratch and opening it in editor view (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/858461846/editor/), BTW :P)

A pretty good shitpost, if not a particularly effective calculator.

Getting the cantaloupe and cupan medals is a pain (I still haven't gotten them at the time of writing this) (UPDATE: Worked out I had to move the window to get "cupan" - "cantaloupe" still evades me) (UPDATE 2 - Got "cantaloupe" after doing enough calculations).

I also saw you put this in the "Action - Shooter - First Person" genre - I'd recommend swapping that to "Gadgets - Other" sometime.
Congrats on making it to the frontpage.

An excellently-made and brutally hard bullet hell shooter.
As expected from Phyrnna, the soundtrack's excellent.

Looking at this will bring anyone back to a simpler time.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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