View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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A neat, if pretty damn hard, quickdraw title with plenty of personality.

(As of this writing, I'm currently stuck on Natalie - its to be expected of a ninja, but Jesus she's got a fast reaction time)

A neat look back at Newgrounds circa 2019.

Went back and wrapped up getting all the medals I missed back in '23, decomping the game in JPEXS to do so.

Stark and disturbing, this artpiece is not subtle about the horrific effects of hunger.

This is just Crab's Farm with a taxi-themed coat of paint.
Same generic, grating music, same borderline-nonexistent gameplay, same dog-slow progression.

Good if you're desperate for medals, but that's about it.

An alright clicker and an alright homage to a legendary idle game - not much to it, but juggling cash and cookies was pretty interesting.

An extremely generic idle game, whose sole saving grace is providing easy medals for statwhores.

BGM is grating, interactivity is borderline-nonexistent, and progression is slower than continental drift without an autoclicker.

A particularly egregious fuck-up here is how buildings are bought - rather than click what look like building buttons on the main screen, you have to go into the dedicated "Shop" screen (and suffer a complete stop to crab gaining) to buy them.

With only five reviews and no whistle function or ability to restart, this is rather barebones compared to Review Game #2

Still, can't be too harsh on it - without this little Flash, we wouldn't have the Little-Rena we know and love today.

The choice of RyanChampion's Newgrounds Anthem was a solid choice for BGM, even if it didn't loop whatsoever.

Even over a decade on, this is a pretty solid guide to making reviews on Newgrounds
Only getting one whistle-related medal at a time was annoying, but that's only a nitpick of mine.

The animation for whistling a flash is pretty funny, too.

A much welcome and perennial Flash, given it provides an easy method of searching through the many, many interviews that have gone up on The Interviewer over the years.

Being sent back to page 1 after exiting an interview does complicate looking through the archive, though, as does search settings not being saved.

As of this writing, the archive only goes up to 2023 - given The-Great-One's tireless work on both The Tank Tribune and The Interviewer, I suspect he's ended up abandoning it.

ETA: Whilst scouring the Codex for the last unearned medal, I did end up discovering that searching too many interviews or opening/closing too quickly has a tendancy to cause it to freeze - ended up causing a tab freeze on Ruffle, too!

The-Great-One responds:

Abandoned? No. Forgotten and put on the back burner for too long? Yes.

A wonderful celebration of a wonderful site's 20th anniversary.

I doubt anyone who worked on this knew the site was gonna have the resurgence it did by the end of the decade, but that only makes this all the sweeter.

Urichov responds:

I'd actually been orchestrating it for several months at the time this came out; idk about everybody else though

TharosTheDragon responds:

I'm guessing you're talking about Friday Night Funkin', but in my mind this site has always been going strong over the course of its lifetime

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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