View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

105 w/ Responses

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Pretty good all around, and kept me entertained for a while.

My main complaint's the net's hitbox - it feels annoyingly small, and I've had it fail to catch balloons i swear I actually hit.

chaoticc-neutral responds:

thanks for playing and feedback

A solid demo with a pretty clever death-based gimmick.

Icelogist responds:


Short, sweet and adorable.

The visuals were pretty nice, and the music was a good, if basic loop, but the movement felt stiff all around and it felt just a bit too short for me.

Its altogether a bit too basic, and the lack of keyboard controls really drag this down for me, but the artstyle's pretty nice.

I gotta say, this absolutely feels rushed. Its a barebones idea, which IMO doesn't have anything interesting going for it.

The BGM's pretty good, though - it'd definitely work for a Silent Hill type horror game.

TheAuspiciousCygnus responds:

That's more than fair. I'm still learning and I'm glad you liked the song. I'll use it in something decent in the future and thank you for the feed back.

A clever twist on an age-old concept.

You're gonna do well here - this is a fucking blast to play.

The artstyle was perfectly fine, and the music was pretty good, but I felt the gameplay was pretty deeply flawed.

The biggest thing I'd recommend is to avoid jerking the camera upwards during jumps - it feels disorienting and makes precision platforming a lot harder than it needs to be.

I did also notice a pretty major delay between jumping/running into spikes and the relevant sound effect playing. I didn't quite notice it at first, but when I did, it became pretty grating.

Still, you've clearly got potential. Keep at it. (Happy Pixel Day as well, BTW.)

Potato-Boy-34 responds:

I immediately started fixing it when I saw it on Reddit. The camera is fixed, and I even changed some stuff in the game. It's my first time making a platformer game.

A pretty clever idea for a sudoku-style puzzle game.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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